Don’t grab the first trapeze.
(or the importance of being patient when you are making big life changes)
Over the last few months, I have sought wisdom from many people who are, in my opinion, good examples of living deliberately.
Specifically, given that I’d recently let go of two things that had defined me for a decade—a non-profit and a business I co-founded—I asked them what they would do next if they were me.
I got so many great insights back, but the gold medal piece of wisdom from a good friend, Dan Madhavan.
‘I heard this little idea once, and I’ve never forgotten it. You’ve just let go of a trapeze, so you're up in the air now, spinning around. It’s scary and confusing up there, but that's where the magic and creativity are. So don’t just grab the first trapeze that comes your way.’
As usual, I road-tested this thinking with others, and another friend, Nina Karnikowski, added a lovely tweak. ‘Yes, but don’t spin around so long that you hit the mat!’.
This idea of not grabbing the first trapeze that comes your way seems pretty handy not just for careers but also for those looking for love, the place they want to live, or the friends they want to keep.
Something to remember, perhaps, if you are about to let go of a trapeze, are spinning in the air, or there is a new trapeze flying your way.
Life is a circus anyway!