Society has a way of limiting our thinking to either/or options.
Maybe it tells us that right now, we might be grinding it out at work, but that in 41 weeks, we will be on holiday, and oh baby, are we going to live life to the fullest for those nine days in Thailand!
Or perhaps while we feel unhealthy now, if we just sign up for that fitness program we saw on Instagram, we too can have the perfect body in ten weeks!
Perhaps we dream of being artists, or photographers, or golfers, or writers, or world travellers, or humanitarian workers, or surfers but right now we are receptionists, or sales managers, or teachers or carpenters.
But what if we stopped thinking that we needed to have 100% of the dream right now and instead we just set a goal of making 10% of the dream real in the next year.
Like if you want to drop 20kg and be super fit, start by losing 2 kilograms and keeping it off for three months.
If you want to retire young, figure out a way to take every second Friday afternoon off – you’ll be 10% retired.
Dream of being a professional photographer? Set a goal of bringing in 10% of your income through photography in the next year.
Once you’ve experienced what 10% of the dream feels like (bloody great no doubt), you’ll be so much more inspired to make the dream 20% real. Then 30%.
So, quite seriously, cheers to the 10 percenters. What a brilliant start you’ve made towards the life you really want to lead. To living deliberately rather than letting others decide your life for you.